Everything’s bigger in Texas, including septic responsibilities! That’s the reality for about 25% of Texas homes. From the Piney Woods to the high desert mountains, from coastal plains to Hill Country, Texans are approaching wastewater management with the same independent spirit they bring to everything. It’s like having your own personal Alamo of bacterial decomposition – definitely something to brag about between bites of brisket!
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality runs their septic program with the same determination as the defenders at the Alamo – they aren’t surrendering an inch when it comes to proper installation and maintenance. With standards tougher than a longhorn steer, they ensure every system works across Texas’ incredibly diverse landscapes. Their guidance is as bold as a Texas tall tale: conserve water (especially in those drought-prone regions), be extremely careful what enters your system (your septic tank isn’t as accommodating as a Texas dance hall), and maintain your system more regularly than you fly the Lone Star flag – because in Texas, where independence isn’t just a value but practically a religion, taking responsibility for your wastewater isn’t just smart, it’s the Texas way, y’all!