Welcome to Massachusetts, where 20-25% of homes are doing their part in the great septic system revolution – almost as historic as the first one they had here! While most folks in Boston might be connected to city systems fancier than a Kennedy compound, the suburbs and rural areas are keeping it real with their own personal water treatment facilities. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) runs this operation with more precision than a Paul Revere midnight ride!
These folks take septic system maintenance more seriously than a Patriots fan takes Tom Brady’s legacy. MassDEP’s got more rules and regulations than beans in a Boston recipe, making sure every system is working better than a Harvard student during finals week. They’re protecting groundwater with the same intensity that Bostonians protect their parking spots after a snowstorm – and that’s saying something! Their educational programs are spreading faster than news of a Red Sox victory, making sure everyone knows their septic ABCs.